<< 1 Kings 1 1 >>



  • Joshua 23:1-2
    A long time had passed. The Lord had given Israel peace and rest from all their enemies around them. By that time Joshua was very old.So he sent for all the elders, leaders, judges and officials of Israel. He said to them,“ I’m very old.
  • Psalms 90:10
    We live to be about 70. Or we may live to be 80, if we stay healthy. But even our best days are filled with trouble and sorrow. The years quickly pass, and we are gone.
  • 1 Chronicles 23 1
    David had become very old. So he made his son Solomon king over Israel.
  • 2 Samuel 5 4
    David was 30 years old when he became king. He ruled for 40 years.
  • Genesis 24:1
    By that time Abraham was very old. The Lord had blessed Abraham in every way.
  • 1 Chronicles 29 27-1 Chronicles 29 28
    He ruled over Israel for 40 years. He ruled for seven years in Hebron and for 33 years in Jerusalem.He died when he was very old. He had enjoyed a long life. He had enjoyed wealth and honor. David’s son Solomon became the next king after him.
  • Genesis 18:11
    Abraham and Sarah were already very old. Sarah was too old to have a baby.
  • Luke 1:7
    But they had no children, because Elizabeth was not able to have any. And they were both very old.