<< อพยพ 16:19 >>



  • อพยพ 12:10
    Do not leave any of it till morning; if some is left till morning, you must burn it. (niv)
  • อพยพ 23:18
    “ Do not offer the blood of a sacrifice to me along with anything containing yeast.“ The fat of my festival offerings must not be kept until morning. (niv)
  • อพยพ 16:23
    He said to them,“ This is what the Lord commanded:‘ Tomorrow is to be a day of sabbath rest, a holy sabbath to the Lord. So bake what you want to bake and boil what you want to boil. Save whatever is left and keep it until morning.’” (niv)
  • มัทธิว 6:34
    Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (niv)