<< 以西結書 24:23 >>


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  • 施約瑟淺文理新舊約聖經
  • New International Version
    You will keep your turbans on your heads and your sandals on your feet. You will not mourn or weep but will waste away because of your sins and groan among yourselves.
  • New International Reader's Version
    Keep your turbans on your heads. Keep your sandals on your feet. Do not mourn or weep. You will waste away because you have sinned so much. You will groan among yourselves.
  • English Standard Version
    Your turbans shall be on your heads and your shoes on your feet; you shall not mourn or weep, but you shall rot away in your iniquities and groan to one another.
  • New Living Translation
    Your heads will remain covered, and your sandals will not be taken off. You will not mourn or weep, but you will waste away because of your sins. You will groan among yourselves for all the evil you have done.
  • Christian Standard Bible
    Your turbans will remain on your heads and your sandals on your feet. You will not lament or weep but will waste away because of your iniquities and will groan to one another.
  • New American Standard Bible
    Your turbans will be on your heads, and your sandals on your feet. You will not mourn and you will not weep; but you will rot away in your guilty deeds, and you will groan to one another.
  • New King James Version
    Your turbans shall be on your heads and your sandals on your feet; you shall neither mourn nor weep, but you shall pine away in your iniquities and mourn with one another.
  • American Standard Version
    And your tires shall be upon your heads, and your shoes upon your feet: ye shall not mourn nor weep; but ye shall pine away in your iniquities, and moan one toward another.
  • Holman Christian Standard Bible
    Your turbans will remain on your heads and your sandals on your feet. You will not lament or weep but will waste away because of your sins and will groan to one another.
  • King James Version
    And your tires[ shall be] upon your heads, and your shoes upon your feet: ye shall not mourn nor weep; but ye shall pine away for your iniquities, and mourn one toward another.
  • New English Translation
    Your turbans will be on your heads and your sandals on your feet; you will not mourn or weep, but you will rot for your iniquities and groan among yourselves.
  • World English Bible
    Your turbans will be on your heads, and your sandals on your feet. You won’t mourn or weep; but you will pine away in your iniquities, and moan one toward another.


  • 以西結書 4:17
    使他們缺糧缺水,彼此驚惶,因自己的罪孽消滅。」 (cunpt)
  • 利未記 26:39
    你們剩下的人必因自己的罪孽和祖宗的罪孽在仇敵之地消滅。 (cunpt)
  • 以西結書 33:10
    「人子啊,你要對以色列家說:『你們常說:我們的過犯罪惡在我們身上,我們必因此消滅,怎能存活呢?』 (cunpt)
  • 約伯記 27:15
    他所遺留的人必死而埋葬;他的寡婦也不哀哭。 (cunpt)
  • 以賽亞書 59:11
    我們咆哮如熊,哀鳴如鴿;指望公平,卻是沒有;指望救恩,卻遠離我們。 (cunpt)
  • 詩篇 78:64
    祭司倒在刀下,寡婦卻不哀哭。 (cunpt)